i cooked supper for myself tonight! actually, i wasn't that hungry but i had to do something useful today like learning how to cook because i'd have to learn it sooner or later, and it's been turning out
alright but i guess it could be better, by much.
so i cooked mush today. mush to eat with bread.

yeah, kind of looks gross. hahaha o well. too bad for my future husband (/kids?).
also have been gaming recently, as mentioned and i took a few photos of abby and sheldon but i doubt they know anything about due to high concentration.

chiong!! haha

actually i was taking photos because my phone spoilt and i was rather PISSED. because at the lan shop, the light wasn't working in the toilet and so i used my phone to shed some light while sheldon helped guard the door. and then when i was going to wash my hands, i held my phone with my lips and while the water was running, I DROPPED MY FUCKING PHONE INTO THE SINK AND IT DIED ON ME. damn power. i think it's still barely a month all. thank god its second hand and i just recently bought a new phone off ebay (at a really good deal, fyi) but still, i could of had sold it. blah blah blah no use crying over spilt milk; i lick it right off the floor.
so bakings been turning out pretty well in terms of taste, as well as keeping me occupied in the wee hours of the night. i haven't been going out partying as much as i used to so staying at home and being a good girl does have its disadvantages. my peanut butter cookies turned out well nevertheless. (:

it actually tastes more like crunchy peanut butter other than anything because apparently, the recipe was out of line. i put less peanut butter than required but its still a peanut-butter-overload! i love peanut butter ALOT so its fine by me (:

and of course, partying hasn't been neglected much. at least once a week or two is quite the must-do. i went out with jas and wil and her cousins (they just came from a wedding so all of them were lookin mighty fine)

i swear i look like a retard here.

jas and wil (:

you can't actually tell, but in that cage, there was this ah lian doing a mindless dance and trying to be all sexy and everything but it wasn't really working but i'm sure that all the drunk bengs loved it. and turns out they have only one dance move. i only have one too, but its not the frantic waving of the hands to rave music. zirca is close to destruction.

so i should get to bed. i'm meeting ania later in town and that means waking up rather early so i won't be late! (like i was today).
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