Saturday, October 4, 2008


Busy as a bee with rehearsals for the New Paper New Face finals. and of course, other things as well. but i love today, because there's absolutely nothing to do, with the exception of going online and playing spyro on my nintendo. i actually want to get songs LEGALLY (haha) but yes, it's kind of difficult when this computer here is almost at it's maximum capacity and the one upstairs is really, really slow. so i'm bringing my ipod cable out tomorrow and i'm on a mission to get my ipod filled with good stuff. i'm sure your taste is "rad" (haha) because i already saw your playlist and what's 18 gigs when i still have over a hundred left?! hahaha action la huh.

haven't been whipping out my camera to get stuff because, i don't know. haha. just not in the mood. but i shall tonight! sentosa with tabs and later liwen's coming down to join us and it's free drinks all night yes? (: i'm not gonna get wasted or anything because on thursday i really got, tipsy. haha. see, i have a slight problem when it comes to alcohol. i'll eventually fall dead asleep when i reach home and 2 hours after the alcohol subsides, i wake up. like fucking awake. and it's not good, because i'll look like shit. not that i don't all the time, but paticularly when i've just awoken from a two hour sleep at 8am in the morning, the time that i feel no one deserves to wake up after coming back at 6am, tipsy.
it really does suck.

so yes, it's gonna be one hell of a night tonight and one hell of a sunday tomorrow. haha.
orite, i'm off. xx
i can't wait for the tomyam to be ready!

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