Thursday, March 25, 2010

Apple Core

as the end of TEP is closing in, i'm getting even more excited, because this holiday, i'm going to switzerland baby!! whoot whoot. and without parents! on my own (well not literally alone but just without parents haha). i've booked the tickets and i've made a list of things to bring. work's been good to me recently and hopefully better next week so i can save up for the next holiday! but still. I C A N N O T W A I T. why does time fly slower when you want it to go faster? always man.. always!

the only thing i'll be missing out on during my holiday would be Fashion Week. well it's not like i'm actually working but i've have been for the previous 2 years so this time, i guess i'd have to sit this one out. well, switzerland anytime! cold weather - no icky outrageously hot weather and then rain & then icky hot weather.. just ultimate cold, chilly winds & SNOW :DDDDDD

yeah so i haven't seen snow before. i'm sure the ones who have must be thinking.. "wah see snow already get so excited ah?" YES CANNOT MEH? haha now the problem is my wardrobe. i have no idea what to wear to dress up for cold weather so i'll just piling up on layers. i'll look like a huge fishball in all my photos. def will have a hard time plucking up the courage to upload them up to facebook! haha

so important thing is, i've developed a new liking for rugby and am gonna to be a pledged supporter of the All Blacks. rarr.

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