Wednesday, February 24, 2010

oh no oh yeah

i hadn't had much sleep in the last two days that i think my mind is getting a little off track. i stoned all the way through the train ride to school, except for that moment where the token sweaty man on the train cabin decides to lean against the railing and make everyone really pissed and the almost-barf-in-the-mouth because its really disgusting that i have to have my hand trapped under your sweaty working shirt that's stuck to your body. definitely is not a crowd-pleaser.

so i'm at school and what i thought was me walking to my locker, although the journey got cut-short after i banged into the piller. extremely stupid and i sure should of felt like it but i was way too tired. i drank the same amount of coffee today as i would on the day before i had to sit for an exam but the whole day was still a blur. still getting the hang of waking up early as i clearly have enjoyed the 2++ week holiday waking up no earlier (what was on one or 2 occasions only) than 8 in the morning. now i have to wake up at 6. i really do need to get the rest i need and be slightly (okay, so much more) productive during my attachment. god knows what i've been doing in school for the past 2 days.

skipped the first couple of days because i was in Bintan! didn't know it was going to be that good but it was nothing short of amazing. right after we checked in, we headed straight down to the beach and i found out the joys of kayak surfing, although we did capsize twice, one of which i got my head whacked by the kayak. i've already heard the story being told umpteen times by nick & i always found i hilarious that it happened because i definitely should of had listened to the "when the kayak capsizes, cover your head with your hands". haha. oh well, shit happens and worse things could of happened. but didn't. on the mission of creating a more positive mindset, but watching grey's anatomy does not help much. i'm super addicted to it again though, as depressing as it is. they say that we all go through sorrow and pain to realize the good things in life. its true though and we sleep to enjoy waking up to switching off the alarm and going back to sleep again.

damn i wish i could do that everyday. unfortunately, my alarm tone is far too annoying and i don't want to fail my attachment.

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