i'm still a zoukout virgin so i hope its all its made up to be. i really can't wait for next sat! only thing is, i'm working on friday, sat and then sunday, and maybe on the monday following that. hahaha i better make up for some sleep this week so i better be off to bed soon!
haven't been whipping out the camera much either, even though i wish i did last night because christabel finally found the epic shade of lipstick that we had been looking for all this while and she found it down under in australia. so screw this, once my stick finishes, i am going to australia to get more. see, there's always a good reason to travel. rarr.
been clubbing too much for the past 2 weeks even though i was supposed to be on my "break from clubbing" last week but that didn't turn out the way i planned to..

i really should rest up. and i'm knackered.
good night good citizens of singapore.
i hope i don't have weird dreams again. you wouldn't believe what i dream of the other night..
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