Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I gotta feeling

BUSY. i love when i have so many things lined up - except for the whole school assignments/projects/tests/presentations things coming up! well as for tomorrow, there's school, some ikea shopping (yes, for i am an ikea-holic, and proud to be one!) after followed by a fitting. i can't wait for friday because for the second time in 2 years, i'll be getting married. but not for real! for one thing, it's work. secondly, i have no idea who my husband is going to be! hahaha. and no, its not like i'm on some online wife finder website or anything.

Singapore Educational TVC

that's the one i did last year if you didn't see it. hahaha.
i think i look like some giggling buffoon though! (as you prolly will be able to tell once you watch it). plus, it got dubbed so its really funny. 

so friday's work & then it'll be followed by another epic night down at cq! i know i shouldn't party too much but a week being sick and busy should be balanced with a good time down at atticatoo :)

plus, there's also that Heineken Green Room Event coming up on the 25th 

and hopefully i'll be able to work for that event. if not, i've already signed up for a membership so either way, i will find a way to get there because the music is GOOD and more people should dance there. maybe its harder to get tipsy on beer? i wouldn't know! but yes, it's def an event worth making your way down for. 

off to do more EFMA tutorials to get ready for the test next week. the computer is way to distracting. it's only in times like these that there's a never-ending line of sites to go to when otherwise, it takes me only a half hour to get bored!


1 comment:

someonespecial said...
