so anyway, here's some pictures of my new place that we're going to move to soon (:

mafia grandma

my room!

mum by the porch

the place's much bigger and i absolute love my new room! already decided on the furniture and everything so i think by the end of june, we should be moved already. (:
work's been good too. did for brands. and did this shu uemura makeup show and i had wacky makeup on and a wig. haha. worked with gabriela and to tell you the truth, i think the people (who were all girls) loved the show, partly due to the fact that the show was about us removing the makeup in front of everyone. bet they couldn't wait for it to all come off. something both women & men have in common i believe, but as for the things that they want to see come off, well, somewhat different.

well i'm spent.
good night. x
your grandma seems sweet..
your grandma reminds me of mine, they're all Dons of the family.
hahaha they are. then always step don't wanna take picture. haha.
Perfect, your granny rocks:)
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