Sleepover @ Simran's early this week. it's still sunday (well sort of, because now its 1:00AM Monday but it still feels sunday-ish). and it was fun hanging out, just the 3 of us, like the old times.
it's funny how when you grow up, we all tend to grow apart but i guess that's pretty normal. when you meet again after a while, everything still feels the same. like nothing changed, but everyone changed a whole lot. i, personally, don't feel good changing sometimes. because we adapt to the lifestyles we have come accustomed to and that, might be both a good thing, as well as a bad one. i can't decide. it weighs out on both sides.
there are too many things to consider, too many people to think about, and at the end of the day, thinking just seems too tiring. because you know that end result, is nothing at all for what you hoped for.
but i feel good tonight. like nothing can bother me but this bad stomach i'm having. and for the fact that my chocolate craving is getting more intense as the seconds pass by me.
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