Tuesday, March 31, 2009

so juicy.

everything should be less complicated like emotions or how you think your body should look like or health or money or whatever. it's really tiring mentally and well, thank god for the rum lying around in my kitchen.

anyway, i cooked dinner for the whole family just now and it turned out pretty well. only thing was that my mum kept calling to check that i didn't burn the chicken, or i suspect, the kitchen/house/neighbourhood. i'm totally exhausted from the marinating and swimming because after all those laps my cute little neighbour (gabi) came to the pool for swimming lessons and i couldn't very well leave her because she's super talkative and cute so i stayed around to accompany her for her laps during her swimming lesson and time flew by faster than i noticed. i really need to sleep. my 6am sleeping time is long gone. now i get tired by 12 but there was Definitely Maybe on the telly and then there was the Simpsons. it's 3am so i have to go! 


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