Saturday, February 21, 2009

With or without you.

ah saturday is here. i love weekends but i'd rather have next weekend than the one that is currently going on because then i would have no association with school whatsoever and that my dear, is worth the late awakenings because i've still got some stuff due on monday and that's one pain in the arse.

weekday madcap - Ladies Night.

twas ladies night and i went to lifestyle bash's launch of events at babyface (new club in town) but in the end, the place just wasn't for us and we decided to head elsewhere. jen went home and me, jas and elia went to attica (:

haha. surprise surprise! arg i just love that place but it can be a real pain but people assume that if you buy the other person drinks, you'd have the obligation to dance with/ be held / etc. thats just bullshit because i don't see why they can't just talk and just like last night,
Guy - " so where are you two?"
Me - "um yeah we gotta go"
Guy - " we're not harrassing you!"

i will not mention what his friend tried to do after buying us a drink and god, how is anyone supposed to trust anyone? boundaries are meaningless to some people and thus, everything is avoided and call me a bitch if i don't want to talk to you or get to know you because we all know better. i still love atticatoo nevertheless. (: xx
but last night after work at attica it was really fun! went with my fav partygirl christabelle (: and we partied so hard till the last song and had supper at mohd sultan and i learnt a little bit of salsa! i admit that i wasn't that good at it but i got to do the dip thing and it felt great! maybe i should consider "salsa dancer" as a potential career option and maybe, just maybe if that ever happened, the whole world would end. hahahaha yeah dancing, is not my best trait. haha. i'm still doing it tonight though. i just hope everyone's still out after work!
off to get some stuff done! muah.


Anonymous said...

You look red, perfect hehe

Anonymous said...

Anyway if u wanna learn salsa, please learn from fi alsagoff, she's one hell of a salsa dancer, the rest are just simply so unpro :p

Have a great day perfect