Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Supersoak that!

i hate accounting i swear. one whole day studying at the airport and not much got in! yeah, not much at all. the only thing that i got in me was a double cheese burger and mcwings. stupid macs for being the only place for conducive studying, and fucking unhealthy. i shall try to stay away from that place. even now after clubbing everyone's been refraining themselves from that hell of a fast food place. we've alternated for kebabs and cup noodles on the staircase. like last saturday! ha. i finally got to see jasmine toohoo (: but i knew i shouldn't of had clubbed seeing as how my exams were on tuesday but why not, since it was just after work and atticatoo was so nearby..haha.

(: ♥

so i'm off for a bath and then it's more mugging for tomorrow's paper!
what a busy week! kapeewi.

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