i didn't know what i wanted to do at first and now, it's growing on me. which brings me to a past reminder that i need to tell the story about how the nickname ANIA came about.
anizza's full name is ANIZZA AIZ BAWAZ.
i think we were bored at funan mall and waiting for my dad to pick me up from there and so we sat there, chilling at Macs and as usual, ania had so much empty space in her organizer that i had no other urge but to make it doodly so i went on my journey of doodling. so the journey began..
i wanted to just write her name out as big as possible, and then i thought, what if you took out all the Zs in her name.. and then it hit me. ania had been really tired from all the late nights because of fucked up projects so if i did take out all the Zs from ANIZZA AIZ BAWAZ (a total of 4), it would make her less sleepy! and there you have it:
well i couldn't possibly of had taken out all the As, seeing as there are more As than the Zs because what's a word without vowels? then her name would be: NIZZ IZ BWZ. & how the donkeys arse would/do you pronounce BWZ?! its not even a word damn it, its like a fart. a really tight fart. which brings me to the first paragraph of my post on why i'm going on about everything else when i should be doing my report.
hahahahahaha u finally blog abt it! XOXO ania ai bawa
That was one funny post!! U have a genuine talent for humour. LOL!
hi nizz izz bwz! haha i know right, FINALLY.
and haha thanks, i'm not funny really. i think i was just bored. ahah
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