Last saturday (or was that sunday?) was Gabi's party. Gabi is my neighbour's little kid and she is the most adorable little pretty girl you'll ever see. and she'll change her expression to that of Damien (from The Omen) and start digging her nose. it's really funny. i can't wait for her to grow up and tell all her boyfriends about that! haha.
so here she is:

bb, me, abbeh.

i don't know why either.

my favourite one, of that day. 0.0

pig & pig.

dad with his IT-sheviness.

my bff and her dad! haha




i am a self-entertaining girlfriend.

and i also have the nicest busuk face you'll ever see in your life.

auntie esther (gabi's mum), mum & daddy

abbeh's dad was clearly not entertained by the kids, now that abby disfigured the balloon swords!

hell have no fury like a bouncy balloon castle.

act shy pig.

chey, dah abang-abang duduk kat veranda hisap rokok baca surat khabar, ehh.

mmmm sedap.

my blue christmas cat mug.

abang jeffers.

my ang kong siao brother's girlfriend.

and last but not least,

my mum's watching the beijing olympics thing on tv. there's like chinese opera music on and people dressed in the ancient china clothes. that's kind of wicked, but i think my mum's bored. she looks like she's gonna fall asleep at any moment now. o wait i just checked and mummy was sleeping. haha. thanks china!
so just now, she was watching the fish and suddenly (not that i was shocked, only because i'm used to it but..);
"WHAT THE HELL??" - exclaimed mother
"You all keep fighting like hell!" and then she went on about how the aruana was peeling and i told her that it was prolly because it was about time the tank should be cleaned. luckily, mum agreed. twas about time!
waiting for moma to go up. i need food now.
please go up ):
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